My Favorite Things

| Sunday, November 28, 2010 | 0 comments |
I love complex sentences. I love the rush of ideas, and how you can fit them in just one llllloooooooooonnnnnngggggggg sentence...the one that your English grammar teacher discourages you to keep on doing, because it's just confusing. But then you think, "it's enjoyable to confuse people. You get to screen those who really are in it to read your thoughts!", and so you continue on. Then you realize there is this one sentence that looks more like a paragraph. That's so cool!!


Coron Palawan (April 17, 2007)

| Saturday, November 27, 2010 | 2 comments |
It is very rare for my family to go away, out of town, on a vacation. Lately, we have been checking in a hotel at least once a year just for the sake of being able to do s
o (that's one of the perks for being a member of the hotel...)

I have often ranted (Sorry multiplyers, I have a private blog) about not being able to go away during holidays and celebrating special occasions at home just because our house is the only house that will fit a large clan.
Things have changed though this time. This year is quite a big year for my family. It's my parents' silver anniversary on the 23rd of May, and it's my sister's debut on the 3rd of July. Me...on the other hand will be turning 24 this April...wooohooo (it's a cry, not a cheer)...actually, me and my family are thinking of a good reason why this is a big year for me, but alas, there's none. Maybe the fact that I got through my first year of medical school without having the need to repeat any subjects (I'm tempted to say unscathed...but I think I am). Anyway, Our family decided that we all deserve a break, away from the rest of the relatives. People who celebrate big deal events usually throw off a party, and spend a lot, to get tired and not enjoy the night. I have nothing against those events, it's just that I have prepared so many parties during the holidays that throwing another one to celebrate my family's evidence of longetivity was a definite no no, not only to me but to
my whole family (thank goodness). We then decided t
hat we will go out of town.

Cockroach Control (April 6, 2006)

Some people remember their childhood with absolute clarity. Some people don't even remember what they were like when they were children...they only knew stuff about their childhood from their parents (actually, this is just an excuse for parents to avoid telling them the truth, that theyare clones...hahaha. For a more detailed discussion, you can approach Don...hahaha).

I do have memories when I was a child, and if there is anything, absolutely anything that I remember as a child, this would be it:

I always loved my bottle when I was a toddler. Even when I started eating, I never gave up my bottle for a just seems so...I don't know, maybe I was teething, and the sensation of biting into something rubbery relieves me. I knew I wouldn't really give my bottles up, even if my parents encouraged me that it means that I'll be a big boy (that poses a big question mark there...since even up to now, the word big cannot be associated with me...hahaha!!!)...never mind that. I enjoy being a kid!


Transmogrify: to change into an entirely different form.

My previous blog, which has changed names and looks, as much as United Kingdom changed Dr. Who, has finally come to an end. I'll be keeping it, but it will be for my private pleasure only. I might resurface previous posts, just for the sake of a trip down memory lane, but, hopefully, this blog will be something entirely new.

Since I have changed a lot, including my world view, and maybe even my philosophy, the title is just appropriate.

I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeve, and I'll try my best to squeeze any remaining creativity in me, which has not been sucked out by my latest stint, which is Med School.

So I guess this is it: My so called life!

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