Making Things Count

| Monday, December 27, 2010 | |
As like all epiphanies, this just struck me unexpectedly.

As the year ends and, and another one starts in a few days. One word just suddenly kept ringing it it was on loop in my playlist: "Invest".

It does hold true in many ways for me. In a few weeks, I'll be temporarily leaving the country I grew up in (temporarily meaning I still have to go back to complete some unfinished business) and start a new life in another.

My family is starting from scratch which is scary in so many levels, but honestly, I'm excited. We all will be looking for a job to help us put food in our table. We only have a few friends, but basically, we are on our own. It seems like my family has been demoted in the seemingly higher levels of "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" from self-actualization and down to meeting our physiological needs (of course I maybe exaggerating).


I will be going on leave from the hospital for a while, and I'm realizing that I do need the break. This will make me look back, recharge, and reassess why I am going through med school. I really believe this break will be both for me and for my soon-to-be patients.

I remember back in high school, when I finally made up my mind that yes, I want to be a doctor. I out of my excitement, as a new Christian, said that I want to become a missionary doctor. It may be out of my innocence, but I knew I was sincere during that time. Jim Elliot was my hero. During my interview, when asked "If you are forced to go to another country, what country will that be?", I immediately asnwered, "Africa, or the like". In one way or another, whether it be fulltime or part time, I new I was bound to be a misisonary doctor.

Going through the daily toil of rounds and papers, and work, and people and the system may have robbed me of my joy. Reality sinks in, and yes, my dreams became clouded as more fulfilling careers enter my line of vision.

A few weeks ago, at church, a missionary talked to us about his life with a certain tribe in the Philippines who used to be headhunters just a few decades back. Winning them to Christ transformed their culture inside out. The Lord once again pricked my heart and reminded me that only by "going with His flow" do I find happiness.

Residency is still part of the picture. I do have to prepare for the battle ahead. But for the first time during my 5 years of stay in med school, did I find actual peace in terms of which career to go to.

"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal..." Matthew 6:20

Happy New Year everyone! God bless you all!

Planting Trees
by Andrew Peterson

We chose the spot, we dug the hole
We laid the maples in the ground to have and hold
As Autumn falls to Winters sleep
We pray that somehow in the Spring
The roots grow deep

And many years from now
Long after we are gone
These trees will spread their branches out
And bless the dawn

He took a plane to Africa
He gathered up into his arms
An orphan son

So many years from now
Long after we are gone
This tree will spread its branches out
And bless the dawn

So sit down and write that letter
Sign up and join the fight
Sink in to all that matters
Step out into the light
Let go of all that's passing
Lift up the least of these
Lean into something lasting
Planting trees

She rises up as morning breaks
She moves among these rooms alone
Before we wake
And her heart is so full; it overflows
She waters us with love and the children grow

So many years from now
Long after we are gone
These trees will spread their branches out
And bless the dawn
These trees will spread their branches out
And bless someone


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